Seduced by Homo Fictus
We are addicted to stories. Stories are so fast they can outrun reality. Even in our sleep we tell ourselves stories....
Read moreWe are addicted to stories. Stories are so fast they can outrun reality. Even in our sleep we tell ourselves stories....
Read moreParticularly peaceful about my recent trip to South Dakota was the absence of modernity. It felt like I stepped back...
Read moreThere are distinctive patterns in the errors people make. The reasons for this are many. Daniel Kahneman in his...
Read moreWalking a highwire without a net is impressive, but not necesarrily smart. Establishing a financial safety net is smart...
Read moreWould you invest in the pay phone today? I hope not. All great investment ideas have a shelf life. Watch video as Rusty...
Read moreThe second law of financial physics — Never pay fixed bills with variable money. Watch video as Rusty...
Read moreI still love the power of the written word but some concepts are hard to explain in 2 paragraphs. Fortunately, video...
Read moreOnce success happens you can no longer say, “I will continue my life now as it was before.” Tennessee Williams in...
Read moreAs a child, each of us had dreams of who we wanted to be and what we wanted to accomplish. As we mature, we begin to...
Read moreNone of us are so talented that we don’t need help. Maybe that’s why the below video tugs on me so. Click to watch....
Read moreIn the classic book, Economics in One Lesson, Henry Hazlitt argues a lucid point. In the absence of strong voices bold...
Read moreThe Safety Net As mentioned in Part III, either we reinvent old ideas (Madonna) or come up with brand new ones. Either...
Read more15% profitability is your breakeven Why do businesses need a profit? To stay in business! Profits are used to expand,...
Read moreNever pay fixed bills with variable money In the second law of financial physics, we move our discussion to the...
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